Practical PCB Design

For this course, 4 incrementally more complex boards were designed while learning best practices in PCB design from Professor Eric Bogatin at the University of Colorado Boulder. Below you can find the 4 boards and their reports.

Board 1 - 555 Timer

Board 1, simple 2 layer board. Contact Card sized. 

The report for this board can be found here -> Report

Board 2 - Slammer Circuit to Measure and Characterize PCB Noise

As we can see, errors were made in the design of this board which needed external fixed

The report for this board can be found here -> Report

Board 3 - Golden Arduino

Here a clone of commercial Arduino was designed with a focus of improving noise performance.

The Report for this board can be found here -> Report

Board 4 - Instrument Droid for VRM Characterization

The Report for this board can be found here -> Report